"In the course of our lives, certain experiences deeply impact us, lingering vividly in our memories. Moreover, there are other experiences, stemming from past lives, which unconsciously afflict us without our awareness. The reality is that we encounter various life experiences, and with each incarnation, we shape our lives through the choices and perceptions influenced, either consciously or unconsciously, by the attachments stemming from past experiences. These attachments encompass all those experiences we cling onto, compelling us to strive for our aspirations. They exert an influence on us at multiple levels—physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. Notably, our present choices are greatly influenced by our emotional state, beliefs, past agreements, and much more.Soma sessions offer guidance in recognizing and releasing attachments linked to memories as they surface. By freeing ourselves from these unconscious attachments, we gain a sense of structure and a deeper understanding of our experiences. This process helps us discern how we truly want to live and grants us the opportunity to become more responsible and proactive in shaping a new reality."